N-equals offers online river sampling for clients who are budget conscience.
River sampling is an online sampling method that recruits respondents by inviting them to the survey while they are doing some other online activity. The cost effectiveness and flexibility of river sampling, in particular, will boost its popularity when it comes to making marketing decisions for our clients.
The invitation to carry out a survey can be through online banners, advertisements, promotions, offers and invitations placed on various websites. Once their attention is captured and they click on a link, they are asked several screening questions and finally directed to a survey based on their responses.
Here are the types of river samples that N-Equals is offering:
Layered River Sampling
Samples are created in real time from online promotions using methods such as banners, pop-ups and hyperlinks.
N-Equals carefully selects the websites based on the statistics available on the website visitors. Knowing the viewers of each site and the response patterns of visitors is a key part of effective recruitment. By having the respondents, they are redirected to a portal, where they are selected to participate in the survey.
River sampling for convenience
Links are placed on various websites without prior analysis of the background of visitors. To increase participation rates, we will place banners on sites related to the subject.
The main objective is to collect the maximum data with a minimum cost.